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Downsizing Your Life And Financial Coaching With Lisa Duke
Episode 132

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Lisa Duke shares her transformative journey from a spender to a wealth builder, revealing the pitfalls of consumerism and the quest for true happiness. After experiencing the challenges of a lavish lifestyle and the impact of the 2008 recession, she and her husband opted for a simpler life marked by downsizing their home and letting go of expensive vehicles. Lisa discusses monetizing their vacation home through short-term rentals on platforms like VRBO, turning a liability into an asset. She emphasizes the importance of aligning spending with personal values rather than societal expectations, advocating for financial education and mindful spending to achieve financial independence. Alongside her successful ventures, she offers insights into starting a financial coaching practice, designed to assist others in identifying and overcoming mental barriers to financial success, highlighting that the journey to financial freedom begins with understanding one's true priorities.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Show Notes - Episode with Lisa Duke

Episode Summary:
Lisa Duke shares her transformative journey from a life of consumerism to financial independence through mindful downscaling and vacation rental success. After struggling with the pressure of maintaining a lavish lifestyle, she recognized the emptiness of consumerism and made a drastic life shift. By selling their fancy cars and downsizing their homes in Atlanta, Lisa and her husband embraced simplicity, which allowed them to reassess their values. They also turned their second home into a vacation rental on VRBO, generating income while maintaining personal use. Lisa emphasizes the importance of aligning spending with true values and provides actionable advice on starting a short-term rental business effectively.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction and Background

    • Host introduction and guest welcome.
  • Lisa's Journey to Financial Independence

    • Transition from consumerism to simplicity and her experience with the financial independence community.
  • The Shift from Consumerism to Simplicity

    • Realization of the emptiness associated with a lavish lifestyle and embracing a simpler way of living. Key quote: “The less you own, the fewer expenses you have to manage.”
  • Transitioning to Vacation Rentals

    • Overview of turning a second home into a vacation rental and its financial implications.
  • Advice on Starting a Short-Term Rental

    • Steps on preparing a property for rental and marketing effectively.
  • Importance of Financial Coaching

    • The value of seeking financial coaching and understanding one's financial journey.
  • The Hot Seat Questions

    • Rapid-fire questions about favorite resources, mistakes, and advice.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Simplifying Life: Assess your current possessions and determine what items truly spark joy and serve you, focusing on simplification.
  • Monetizing Real Estate: Consider converting underutilized properties into vacation rentals as a way to generate passive income.
  • Aligning Values with Spending: Start budgeting by identifying personal values and prioritizing spending accordingly.

Key Quotes:

  • “Align spending with values for true fulfillment.”
  • “Possessions can become burdens; declutter wisely.”
  • “Recognize when to step away from unfulfilling pursuits.”
  • “Financial planning should prioritize values, not leftovers.”

Discussion Questions:

  • What values guide your financial decisions?
  • How does consumerism impact your life satisfaction?
  • What are the strategies you implement to simplify your expenses?
  • Have you considered turning any of your properties into rentals?
  • What challenges do you face in budgeting effectively?

Related Resources:


  • Brad Barrett - Co-host guiding discussions on financial literacy.
  • Jonathan Mendonsa - Co-host facilitating practical financial strategies.

SEO Keywords:
Financial independence, mindful consumption, vacation rental, downscaling, budgeting, travel rewards, financial coaching, personal finance, sustainable living, money mindset.

Personal Finance, Financial Independence, Lifestyle Design.

Financial independence, downsizing, vacation rental, coaching, mindset shift, money management, sustainability, budgeting, travel rewards.

Join us next time as we continue the journey towards financial independence!

Achieving Financial Independence Through Mindful Living

The journey to financial independence can often be overwhelming, caught between desires for material possessions and pure contentment. In this article, we will explore how you can transform your financial life by embracing simplicity, mindful consumption, and creating opportunity through vacation rentals.

Mindful Consumption: A Shift in Values

Understanding the impact of consumerism on your life satisfaction is the first step towards achieving financial independence. Many people, like Lisa Duke, realize that simply acquiring more things rarely leads to happiness. Instead, it creates a cycle of relentless spending.

Assess Your Current Lifestyle

Take inventory of your possessions and consider what truly brings you joy. Simplifying your life reduces your expenses; as Lisa optimistically states, "The less you have, the less you have to pay for." Start by decluttering, donating, or selling items that no longer serve you.

Downsizing for a Better Quality of Life

Downsizing doesn't just pertain to physical space; it involves reevaluating your needs and aligning your living situation with your values. By moving from a larger home on the fashionable side of town to a more modest house, Lisa Duke illustrates how making intentional living choices can lead to greater contentment.

Action Items:

  • Evaluate your current home and its associated costs.
  • Consider renting or downsizing to reduce your monthly expenses, enabling you to prioritize savings or investment in experiences rather than material items.

Embracing Travel Rewards for an Enhanced Experience

Travel can often become a burden on your wallet, but with careful planning and the strategic use of travel rewards, it can be an avenue to enriching experiences.

Tips for Maximizing Travel Rewards

  • Use websites that aggregate travel deals and monitor reward programs to ensure maximum benefit.
  • Remain flexible with your travel times to capitalize on off-peak rates.
  • Sign up for travel-related credit cards that offer bonuses and rewards.

Lisa's insightful approach emphasizes that meaningful experiences often outweigh the value of material items.

Transitioning to Vacation Rentals: Generating Passive Income

For many, a second home is a liability, but with market-savvy strategies, it can become a source of income. Lisa’s decision to turn her lake house into a vacation rental exemplifies how you can monetize underutilized property.

Steps to Start a Vacation Rental

  1. Assess Your Space: Evaluate whether your property has the potential to attract guests. Ensure you have the right furnishings and amenities.
  2. Market Your Property: Use platforms like VRBO and HomeAway to list your home, highlighting its unique features with high-quality images.
  3. Set Competitive Pricing: Pricing can be a game-changer. For instance, Lisa charges $125 during the off-season and adjusts based on demand.
  4. Optimize Booking: Consider offering discounts for longer stays. Guests are more likely to stay longer if they perceive value in bundled pricing.

By converting liabilities into assets, you can create a financial cushion, allowing for more freedom to pursue personal and professional goals.

The Role of Financial Coaching

Engaging with financial coaching can provide you with personalized strategies tailored to your needs. As Lisa notes, understanding your values is crucial in making informed financial decisions.

Questions to Consider

  • What are your top priorities in life?
  • How does your current spending reflect your true values?

Coaches can be instrumental in helping you establish a budget that aligns with your goals rather than merely covering monthly expenses.

Building a Budget that Resonates with Your Values

Once you’ve identified what truly matters, you can construct a budget that allows you to prioritize savings and intentional spending.

Budgeting Techniques

  • Track Your Progress: Use budgeting tools like You Need A Budget (YNAB) to visualize your spending habits.
  • Prioritize Your Savings: Allocate funds towards your values before addressing discretionary spending. Remember, "Put your values first, and then adapt your spending to that."

Action Steps:

  • Create categories in your budget corresponding to your values and allocate funds accordingly.
  • Regularly assess and adjust your budget to ensure it aligns with your evolving goals.

The Importance of a Mindset Shift

Achieving financial independence requires a significant mindset shift. This involves redefining what success looks like and cultivating a habit of strategic spending and investing.

Recognize When to Step Away

It’s essential to recognize when certain pursuits aren’t fulfilling you. As Lisa reflects, “If I'm not going to win this game, then I don't want to play.” Sometimes, stepping back can provide clarity, enabling you to focus on what truly matters.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Financial Journey

By embracing simplicity and aligning your financial decisions with your values, you can transform your financial landscape. Start today by decluttering your life, exploring the opportunity of vacation rentals, engaging with a financial coach, and intentionally budgeting for what matters to you.

Financial independence isn’t just about the destination; it’s about enjoying the journey here and now.

Actionable Takeaways

  • Declutter and simplify your possessions.
  • Evaluate and potentially transition underutilized properties into vacation rentals.
  • Engage with a coach and create a budget aligned with your values to secure financial independence.

Start your journey today toward a simplified and fulfilling financial life!

Jonathan and Brad talk to Lisa Duke about her mindset shift and turning liabilities to assets.

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Where Lisa Started

Lisa and her husband owned their own IT consulting business. The business was doing well, but it felt like something was missing. No matter how much they were able to spend, it did not really bring them lasting pleasure.

We were sort of on that "hedonic treadmill" where you buy something and it feels great. And then the excitement goes away and the bills associated with that thing remain. We were really trying to buy our way to happiness.

At the height of their spending, Lisa and her husband owned a large 4 bedroom house, a vacation home, an SUV, and a fancy truck with an air-conditioned steering wheel.

We had all of this stuff. We weren't unhappy but we weren't satisfied. It didn't feel like we were making any progress in life. And we had been working, working, working at the business and then, of course, we had this huge slump in 2008 with the economy. And I just got to a point where I was like I just don't know what the point of all of this is.

Big Changes

Eventually, her husband transitioned into being a direct employee for their business' biggest client. Around that time, they made some major changes to their lifestyle.

They moved across Atlanta to the unfashionable, but the affordable side of town. Their home is still very nice, but only half the price of their old house. Then looking at the payments for the fancy truck, compared to the new home, they realized it had to go too. So they ditched the fancy truck and SUV.

Mindset Changes

Getting off the "hedonic treadmill" was not a switch that happened overnight. As the driver of this consumption change, she had to work to change her own mindset first.

The mindset shift really involved getting back to her own roots of small-town life. Her parents had a millionaire next-door mentality, but that had faded out of her lifestyle when she moved to Atlanta and started chasing a bigger lifestyle.

Before you know it, you are in a mindless consumption habit and you have to keep working to maintain it. The lifestyle she was chasing was just not working out how she had envisioned. After years of hard work, the couple did not have a lot to show for their efforts. The recession in 2008 was a wake-up call to the illusion that having more would bring happiness.

It looked like a fun game to play, but if I'm not going to win then what's the point. Let me go back to what really matters to me, what's really important; having a nice quiet life not trying to chase being flashy, not trying to chase having all the things and go back to what I know works.

She decided to stop chasing the flashy lifestyle and return to what she knew worked for her. Lisa chose to return to her roots in pursuit of a nice, quiet life. It was a conscious decision to change back to living a simple life and building towards the future and doing it quietly. It is not about what everyone else thinks.

After this huge downsizing movement, Lisa says her life is much simpler now and she enjoys that.

Second Home--Asset Or Liability?

Lisa and her husband decided to purchase a second home as an attempt to get her husband out of a slump. They landed on Weiss Lake, Alabama which is a short drive from Atlanta.

When they started downsizing their life, it seemed obvious that the vacation home would have to go. However, they wanted to find a way to keep it for their enjoyment without paying all of the bills. Short-term vacation rentals through Home Away, which is similar to VRBO, was the perfect solution for them.

Lisa thought that the marketing of this rental would be more difficult than it actually is. With the built-in marketplace already there, the logistics of finding vacationers is not that difficult.

[Renting out the vacation home] was a way to take something that we already had and turn it from a liability into an asset. I'm all about that. You know, anytime you have something spare, is there a way to monetize?

Action Steps To Start Renting Out Your Home

If you already have a vacation home and would like to start renting it out, there are a few things that you need to do first.

  • Remove Valuables: Take a look around and see if there is anything valuable or super sentimental at the house. Bring those items home with you.
  • Buy Extra Linens: It is nice to have an extra set to help with the turning over of a unit.
  • Stock Necessities: Make sure to have plenty of napkins and toilet paper on hand.
  • Clean Refrigerator: Remove any food items that shouldn't be there. If you want to, you can leave condiments in the fridge for guests.
  • Take Great Pictures: It is crucial to have good photos of your house for the listing. Lisa had a friend use their drone to take aerial pictures of the property and the surrounding areas. Be sure to include pictures of the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and any features that make your home unique.

Those are the basic things that you need to do to get started. However, you can also consider renovations that will make your home more appealing to visitors. Remember that potential guests may care about the curb appeal of your property.

The Numbers

Lisa and her husband bought this lake house for $125,000 a few years ago. It is a 2/2, and they have done a few improvements. It is a home that has grown in value since they bought it. It was important to them to buy the home knowing that they could cover all of its expenses.

There is no guarantee just because you buy a property that people will show up. So we bought this house with the ability, if nobody showed up, we can cover the bills. Make sure that if no one shows up that you can cover the bills. Either out of cash flow or at least for a couple of months out of an emergency fund. The first thing that goes in a recession is anything discretionary, and vacation travel is definitely discretionary.

In a future recession, vacation travel is one of the first things to go because it is discretionary spending. It is crucial that you can cover the bills of your vacation home without any short-term rentals involved.

Although Lisa has never been able to write herself a check out of the vacation rental business, it might be possible for a different property. The goal for Lisa was to cover the bills of their vacation home and still enjoy it when they wanted to. The rental income covers the mortgage, all of the utilities, the cost of deep cleaning once a month, plus some of the repairs.

Basically, Lisa has been able to turn a liability into a net neutral. The couple still gets to enjoy their vacation home when they want to without paying for the house on a monthly basis.

Rental Listing

Lisa's vacation home is booked for almost every weekend Memorial Day to Labor Day, minus the few weekends they reserve it for personal use. Most visitors stay for a long weekend, but some stay for a week. Lisa offers a nightly discount to visitors that stay the week.

On average, she rents the place out for $125/night in the spring and fall, off-peak. In the summer, peak season, she bumps that up to $150/night or $175/night on holiday weekends.

One feature of her rental is that it doesn't have a TV. Although there is high-speed internet, the goal is for visitors to actually talk to each other. For some possible renters, it is a disqualifier; but for most--it is exactly what they are looking for. A place away from being "plugged in" and the constant noise.

Brad mentioned GetAway.House, tiny home rentals that offer cell phone lock boxes for visitors who want to disconnect. It could be a good option for those looking to unwind without cell phones for the weekend.

Financial Coaching

After this mindset shift, Lisa also underwent a career shift. She chose this path as a way to pass on what she has learned along the way. She is interested in helping people get to a place where they have money. When you have money, it seems there are endless options, but for some, they are just trying to figure out how to get money.

How To Find The Right Person For Money Help

Although many in our community have DIY tendencies, it really is okay to ask for help. If you have decided that you need help, sometimes the hard part can be finding the right person to help you.

Lisa recommends first deciding what time period you need help with. She mentioned that this idea originally came from Kelsa Dickey at Fiscal Fitness Phoenix.

CPA: If you are looking for someone to look at your past year and help with taxes, then you should talk to a CPA. A Certified Public Accountant can help you look in the rear-view mirror and understand what you have been doing financially.

Financial Planner or Advisor: A financial advisor is more focused on the long-term investment horizon. They can help you plan for long-term goals like retirement or college savings. A fee-only planner is more likely to help with those extra planning items.

Financial Coach: Finally, a financial coach is more focused on the here and now. They look at what behavior are you engaging in, often subconsciously, that might be sabotaging your efforts.

I like to be in the middle but more on the mindset side because I feel like that's what messes people up. So in terms of DIY vs. getting help, if you've decided that you do need assistance, figure out which piece you need assistance with.

A financial coach could focus on the more tactical aspects of budgeting and spending or the mindset side of discovering your values and spending accordingly.

Practical Advice

Lisa tends to focus on the mindset side of the equation but also helps with the tactical details. The first thing to do is to start tracking your finances. Although you may have some idea about your spending habits, it is critical to track them.

Most people know their day to day expenses. They know how much [their] rent is, how much the mortgage is, roughly how much [their] utilities are, and they have a pretty good idea of what [their] spending on a day to day basis in terms of shopping and things like that...What tends to mess people up are the big annual expenses.

When Lisa started using YNAB, she started with her past spending and adjusted from there. She finds it especially helpful with sinking funds like big annual insurance bills or vacations. YNAB is a great starting place for people that have never had a good handle on their finances.

Related: My Favorite Budgeting Software: You Need A Budget Review

Changing Your Mindset

Lisa has undergone major mindset changes in recent years and is coaching people that want to achieve similar results. One major piece of advice she has to offer is to harness the entrepreneurial mindset.

I think that everyone should have a side hustle, even if you don't make any money at it. I feel like the mindset benefits are huge. Because when you own your own business, you start to think about 'where does the money come from?' and 'where does the money go?'

When you own your own business, you are forced to think about where the money is coming and where it is going. As an employee, you can apply this to your day job to stand out to your employer. Any time you can increase money coming in or cut expenses, that really helps drive the business.

The best way to develop [the entrepreneurial mindset] is by doing. A lot of reading, a lot of hanging out with people that have done what you want to do; whether it's in reality or virtually, podcasts and blogs. But really soaking in that mindset and then applying it to the rest of your life is so valuable.

Applying that entrepreneurial mindset, even as an employee, helps you become irreplaceable. That can give you leverage to set parameters and gives you power to focus on the parts of your job that light you up. Essentially, enjoying your job more.

Apply Your Values To Your Life

When you are trying to bridge the gap between mindset and the actionable steps of making a budget, start with your values. Determine what you really value. What are the most important things to you?

For example, if one has kids--they will say their kids are at the top of the list, and yet when you ask how saving for their college is going, they might realize saving for the kids is not as important as that impulse run to Target.

You need to put money towards the things that matter to you most, first. And then adapt your spending to that. So instead of saying 'I will save for retirement when I have extra money', 'I will save for the kids' college when I have extra money'  I'll just tell you, if you're a natural spender...there's no such thing as extra money!...You can always out spend your ability to earn.

Don't just say you'll save for your goals when you have extra money. If you are a natural spender, then there is no such thing as extra money. Make an effort to set aside the amount of money that you think is necessary for the things you value and then live on what is left over.

Personal Finance Is Personal, But...

Don't try to fund your goals out of the leftovers. That mindset shift might actually turn things upside down, and create openings for readjustments for smaller mortgages, no or less car payments, etc.

If  you get to the point where "hm, I've put money to all the things that really matter and now I can't afford my mortgage payment"...maybe you do need to look at how much you are spending on the house...You really need to align your values with your spending. Then everything, I think, should be on the table.

Listen to Brad and Jonathan's thoughts about this episode here.

How To Connect

Reach out to Lisa through her website, Lisaduke.net

To get straight to blog content head to Lisaduke.net/blog

Plus, Lisa has the goal of having 100 one-on-one money conversations between now and Fincon. So, if you are interested in a conversation with Lisa, then send her an email at [email protected] with ChooseFI in the subject line. Let her know that you want to chat and she'll be happy to talk with you.

The Hot Seat

Favorite Blog: Bitches Get Riches

Favorite Article: Drank The Emergency Fund by Josh Overmyer

Favorite Life Hack: Downsizing. When we downsized the house to a smaller mortgage payment, it made the truck payment look like too much.

Biggest Financial Mistake: Joining a network marketing company, which I do not recommend.

The advice you would give your younger self: Start meditating.

Resource: For meditating, try Headspace or Calm

Bonus! What purchase have you made over the last 12 months that has brought the most value to your life? The Ring Doorbell

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Downsizing Your Life And Financial Coaching With Lisa Duke